Dyer doing tummy time. He still isn't moving forward yet but is moving like crazy backwards. I keep finding him stuck with something between his legs (i.e leg of the couch)and him crying because he can't move anymore. He has moved from one side of the arm chair to the other side by keeping his right side of his body touching the chair the whole time. He probably would have made it all the way around if he didn't turn around and then get his feet stuck under the chair.
The kids just chilling out together. I realized I need to take more everyday random pictures of the kids then always just posing them for pictures. Hopefully I will do better at this.
But I did make them move closer together for this one.
Blair's hair. It was supposed to be a heart but I should have made it so that the top part of the heart was connected. I did a twisted heart a few days later and it looked better but I forgot to take a picture.
Off and on this month at preschool they have been learning about different jobs that people have. Last week they were supposed to dress up as someone they wanted to be when they grow up. Apparently Easton wants to be a police officer. It was a little difficult trying to find something police related since we have nothing like that at home, but luckily I found some cheap police stuff at the dollar store. Easton was a little annoyed that he didn't have a gun but I guess the baton made up for it. We added some homemade things like a badge and name tag and we were good to go. His teachers really liked his costume, probably because he was one of the few that actually dressed up like someone in the "real world". There were a bunch of princesses and superheroes. I think that was expected though.
We went for a family walk/hike on Saturday. We also played a little Frisbee golf too.
Dyer. This little guy is working on his second tooth! I just noticed it yesterday (1/29) at dinner.
Nathan helping Easton with his frisbee.
Nate throwing his frisbee.
Blair decided to run with her frisbee and put it in the "hole" instead of throwing the frisbee. That's my kind of girl!
Easton and Blair. Easton kept giving me funny faces anytime I took his picture. Oh, well.
Easton with his hiking stick. We went up a steep hill and as soon as Easton made it to the top he said, "Good thing I have this stick to help me get up this hill!"
Dad, Blair, and Dyer
Easton saw this Heron and wanted to take a picture of it. It's a little blurry because it's a little difficult to hold the camera still when a little boy is pushing the button down as hard as he can!
We also saw three deer on the trail.
Beehive cupcakes. I made these for a friend as a thank you since she came and helped out with a mutual activity. It was a thank you from the beehives.