Sunday, January 25, 2009

Easton Videos

First off we are apparently having a girl. No, we don’t know this officially and won’t know for another three days but I asked Easton the other day if we were having a boy or a girl and he said, “er” so this must mean a girl right? I was thinking that maybe he was just saying girl because it was the last option I gave him (I tend to use this trick to my advantage when he has a dirty diaper and Nathan’s around. Do you want mommy or daddy to change you? Of course it is always daddy!) but when I asked him several times if we were having a girl or boy he just looked at me, ignored my question, and went back to what he was doing. So it must be true at least in Easton’s mind that we are having a girl. I guess we will find out in a few days if he is indeed correct.

The other day Nathan left the tupperware cabinet open and of course Easton climbed right in and found himself a new fort. We have child locks on all the cabinets so Easton kept locking himself in every time he shut the door. He didn’t seem to mind as long as mom came to his rescue and opened the door. Here is a video of what he continued to do over and over again that is until he realized I pulled out the camera. For some reason Easton really likes to watch himself on tape (as I’m sure most kids eventually do) so when the camera comes out he will stop what he is doing, sit in my lap, and wait for me to show him a video of himself (a little vain I know). This is the only video I could get of him not stopping what he was doing and sitting in my lap. Unfortunately he smashes his finger in the cabinet. Easton wouldn’t stop crying until I kissed it not once (because kissing it once apparently doesn’t fix anything) but about 20 times. Either one kiss isn’t good enough or his battle wounds are just so huge/bad (in his mind) that it takes a lot of kisses to fix them.

When we bought Easton his guitar with Christmas money from grandparents we also bought him a basketball and hoop. Easton comes from a Whiting so it is a must that he has a basketball and hoop and basketball skills under his belt. Grandpa Whiting would be so proud! Easton loves his basketball and hoop. I especially love his victory dance after he makes a basket. Enjoy!


Aleese and Scott said...

I love those movies! Easton is getting so big! The basketball video is my favorite, so cute!

Hot Gma said...

All I can say is---- how cute!!! I love Easton's videos. Thanks for sharing. You are such a good mommy Ashley. Love you.

Mrs Abbott said...

We are excited to find out what you are having next! Easton is a cutie! He reminds me a lot of Ethan and Jonah and Asher when they were little! So adorable!

Heather, Rick and Savannah said...

Those videos are so cute! Savannah does the same thing with the camera. We have so many videos of her stopping some cute thing she was doing and walking around to the back of the camera to see herself. Can't wait to find out what you are having! We asked Savannah if she wanted a bro or sister and she started making monkey sounds, so apparently our next one will be a monkey!