Friday, April 10, 2009

Baseball, Cherry Blossoms, and other happenings

Easton loves his daddy. He will follow Nathan around like his little shadow. It is really cute to watch him copy and mimic things that Nathan does. Easton especially loves it when daddy comes home. He will run right up to Nathan with a huge smile on his face and give him the biggest hug ever. Easton of course loves it when he gets to spend time and play with daddy. Here are two videos of Easton and Nathan playing baseball together.

Easton playing catch with Daddy.

Easton hitting the ball after catching it.

I have started to bring out all of Easton’s old baby stuff (swing, bouncer, toys, etc) hoping that he could get used to all the “new” things before Blair get here. I’m crossing my fingers that he will get all the playing out of his system and get bored of all these things before she gets here. So far it has been almost a week and he loves his bouncer chair. He could sit in it for hours rocking and playing with the toys that make music. Who would have thought that he would have more fun with it at this age then he did when he was littler? I guess it is a good thing that he doesn’t weigh very much so I don’t have to worry about him breaking it. He can be a little rough with the swing at times but also very cute. He will bring his stuffed bear “baby” and put it in the swing with his favorite blanket and push him back and forth. I hope he will be just as cute with his sister.

I got called to do jury duty on Monday. Luckily I didn’t get picked because it would have been a four day trial! Easton got to go over to his friends Savannah’s house. I was glad that I didn’t get picked because I would have missed my little Easton. I was only away from him for half a day and already missed him and was so happy to go and pick him up. Unfortunately the feelings weren’t mutual. The second he saw me come through the door he started crying and didn’t want to leave. That makes you feel great as a parent. At least I know he had fun.

Easton in the tulip garden downtown DC. He had to smell all the flowers.

Easton and I went downtown DC with some friends to enjoy the cherry blossoms. The trees weren’t as nice looking as they were when I went two years ago. I think we went too late this year. It is absolutely gorgeous if you time it just right. Apparently it is tradition for me to go and see the cherry blossoms when I’m huge and pregnant.

Some of my new favorite things that Easton says are:

“mmmmm…good!” He says this almost anytime he eats something (especially if he really likes it).

“Ummmm….okay!” This is definitely my favorite. I can’t tell you how nice it is to hear him say this after a few months of mean NOs!

“dane q” as he hands you something. Translation: Thank you. I’m not exactly sure why he says thank you when he gives you something. It’s a little backwards. Maybe he is reminding us to say thank you because we tend to remind him to say thank you when someone gives something to him.

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