Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blair at 5 months

Blair turned 5 months a few days ago but we (excluding Nathan) have been sick and I just haven't gotten around to taking any pictures of her until yesterday but then I was too tired to post.

Blair is such a funny little girl. We really have a hard time getting this little girl to laugh (most of her laughs seem almost fake or forced)but randomly the other night Easton kept holding up different sea shells in front of her and asking her, "What's this?" and she was just laughing up a storm. It was past her bedtime so maybe she had what my family refers to as the "winkies". In any case it was the best laughs we have ever heard from her and she hasn't done it since. It is just too bad that we didn't get it on tape.

Blair definitely has the little sister thing down. Just these last few weeks anytime Easton starts crying she just gets the biggest grin on her face. Apparently she thinks it is the best thing in the world for her big brother to get hurt or get in trouble. On the other hand though she absolutely adores Easton. She just watches him all day long. It is kind of nice to have free entertainment for Blair.

So I thought Blair would be sitting up and possibly creeping here shortly but that must have been a fake out. She seems very content now to just lay on her back and move her body from one place to another (very slowly of course). She is back to hating tummy time and will roll over as soon as you put her on her tummy. When we practice sitting up she will arch her back and kick her feet so that she doesn't have to be sitting up anymore. Silly girl!

She still absolutely hates rice cereal. I gave up trying after about 2 weeks thinking she just wasn't ready for solids. I tried again a week later and it was the same thing. I would put it in her mouth and she would spit it right back out. I figured I would try peas out instead and see how that turned out. She at least tolerates them but I wouldn't say she likes them. I have come to the conclusion that this little girl is just picky. She won't drink from a bottle and she tries really hard not to eat solid foods either. She just prefers her mommy (every two hours almost to the dot-that is when she isn't sleeping of course). If she's this picky now I really don't want to see how she will be in 2 years...
Video of eating peas for the first time. She's tired and was already tortured with rice cereal before this video was taken.

If there was an award for the baby with the most blowouts it would be Blair hands down. We have tried a few different brands and different sizes but nothing seems to work. Most of the time there isn't much but for some reason that little bit always finds its way out of her diaper and up her back. At this point I'm not sure who I do more laundry for Easton and his potty training accidents or Blair and her blowouts. Its probably about the same. The main reason I bring this up is (if you didn't notice) she is wearing two different outfits. This is because she had a blowout while taking these pictures.

Blair is sleeping way better at night these days. The last couple of weeks she's been sleeping anywhere between 9-10 hours at night and it is wonderful!
We just love this little girl and can't get enough of her.


Hot Gma said...

I love her little stripped leggins. How fashionable. Auntie Jacqui would approve. I agree with Blair on the pea thing. yuck! I feel for her. Why don't you try ice cream and see what she thinks? (ha! ha!)

Child Family said...

I like sweater..it looks really comfortable!

Child Family said...

I like her sweater!