Friday, September 10, 2010

Blair at 15 months

This little girl just cracks me up! She is sooooo busy, busy, busy. I swear she never stops moving unless she is sleeping or eating (and that might be debatable). She definitely takes after her mommy. I remember in 1st grade my homework assignment was to practice holding still for 5 minutes every night. My mom would set the timer for 5 minutes and I would just have to sit there on the living room couch for what seemed like forever. It was definitely hard work! I have a feeling that Blair might have similar homework assignments in the near future.

Another trait Blair gets from her mommy is the love for food! She is definitely better at sharing than I ever was but she definitely loves her food and I swear she could eat forever. I think she is always hungry and constantly eating because she never stops moving. One of her favorite things to do with food is to rub it in her hair. I have no idea why but I swear she never leaves her high chair without some kind of food in her hair. And I wonder why her hair always looks greasy...
Blair after eating yogurt. I'm still not sure what got more her hair/face or her mouth/tummy.

Just recently she has started to copy what I do. If I'm brushing crumbs off of her or something else she will do the same. If I'm sweeping the kitchen floor she will come up and pretend to sweep the floor too. If I'm cleaning with a towel she will do the same motions too! It's pretty cute!

One of Blair's favorite things to do now is to pour water on her head when she is in the bath tub. Tonight at dinner she took her cup and tried dumping it on her head. Luckily it had a lid on it but because it had a straw in it too some water was able to come out and ice cold water leaked on her head/face. She definitely had a surprised look on her face but that didn't stop her from doing it again and again.

The other day I started a bath for Blair and Easton and told them to come up the stairs. While they were making their way up I went into each of their rooms to grab clothes for them. I called Easton's name thinking he was still on his way up but when his answer came from the bathroom I was a little surprised. I walked in to find Easton already in the bath tub. That wasn't a big deal since he usually undresses himself and climbs in the tub by himself but I wasn't expecting a little girl in there too! Normally Blair waits somewhat patiently outside the tub for me to take her clothes off and lift her in but not this time! She was fully clothed and splashing away. She did look up at me briefly to give me a huge smile before she went back to her splashing, but she really didn't care that her clothes were soaking wet and her diaper became 10 pounds heavier in just a few seconds.

Happy wet girl!

Blair's favorite word is probably ball pronounced "ba". This was her first word besides mama and dada. She loves balls. In fact I would almost say she is obsessed with balls. When we are at the store and she sees the huge ball cage full of balls she goes berserk. I broke down once and bought her and Easton one thinking that might calm her down for future trips, but no, she is still as crazy as ever!

Other words Blair says: more pronounced "Mo" (she signs this one too), no (she can't do this without shaking her head and pointer finger at you), and today I heard her say mine for the first time pronounced "My" as she was pulling a stuffed animal away from Easton and bringing it closer to herself (oh how we love the word mine).

Signs: more, all done, eat, bush teeth, bath (kind of), and help (kind of).

She shakes her head yes and no and knows exactly what she wants/doesn't want. She'll answer just about any yes/no question you ask her.

She's becoming more and more social. She's not afraid to leave my side anymore and she will even go to people she doesn't really even know.

She likes to pull hair and when she gets tired she will smack you in the face and throw tantrums. She is also starting to throw tantrums when she doesn't get her own way.

She hates getting her hair done and getting her diaper changed. She runs away and I'm guessing it's because she knows she is about to be forced to hold still. Her little run is pretty cute (probably because I can keep up with her).

She loves her blanket. The first thing she does when she wakes up is hand you her blanket so she can lay her head down on it and on your shoulder. She drags it around with her and gets really excited to see it when she hasn't seen it in a while. She loves to cuddle with it. She has also been known to randomly put it over her head and walk into things (i.e walls, people, appliances, etc.)

She will now fold her hands for prayer but only for about 5 seconds because like I said she is busy, busy, busy!

For over a month now I've been trying to get a video of Blair playing peek a boo but she must be camera shy. Here's somewhat of a video of her starting to play peek a boo but really I just like her stinky face at the end.

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