Friday, July 4, 2008

Visiting family

I'm about 2 weeks behind. I got really busy visiting with family and I just haven't had much time to sit down and write. Here is an update of what we have been up to.

We went to Idaho for a few days to visit a lot more of Nathan's family. It was way too short of a trip but we still had lots of fun visiting and hanging out with the fam. We played games and ate tons of ice cream at G&G Uehling's; had a family BBQ at Great G&G Stockton's; went to the Rexburg temple with G&G Stockton while Easton had a date with Grandma Uehling; had a pizza and Wii party with the cousins (Prestwich's) and played at the park; and we also briefly visited Great Grandpa Vic (Kelsey) and Uncle Lance and Aunt Stacy. It was really nice to see everyone and we wish we could have stayed longer.

Easton with Aunt Kaity and Aunt Bethanie

Easton on the car ride from Idaho to Utah. He stole the milkshake and wouldn't give it back.

When we got back from Idaho, Easton got to meet his cousins, Braeden and Ella, for the first time. We had a BBQ on Wednesday (6/25), hung out on Friday, and took pictures on Saturday right before Easton and I took off to go to Washington. Pictures are almost impossible with three little ones who don't want to sit still at the same time. The pictures did turn out pretty cute though. Thanks Grandma Sue that was a great idea.

Grandma Sue with the grandkids in their Hawaiian outfits.

Nathan took off Thursday (6/26) for Maryland to get ready for his first rotation in Texas (Peds). I hope he enjoys himself even though he won't see us for 6 whole weeks. Easton and I already miss him and it has only been a week.

My friend Paige came down from Springville to visit me at G&G Kelsey's house. It was so good to see her again. It had been way too long. I also got to see her little boy, Thomas, for the first time. He's a cute little boy. We got milkshakes and went to the park. It was great to talk and catch up.

Easton and Thomas playing on the swings.

Easton and I took off on the 28th for Washington state. Easton was an absolute angel on the plane which made me incredibly happy. It was only 1 1/2 hours long but I was really nervous that he would cry the entire time. Luckily for me the flight wasn't full so Easton got his own seat. I think that saved me. I hope he gets his own seat on our flight home back to Maryland.

My mom picked us up from the airport and of course she just loved Easton. We took off the next day to see my sister and her family in Eastern Washington but made a quick stop along the way to see my grandpa (he hadn't met Easton yet). We spent about three days with my sister and her family which Easton almost didn't make it out of there alive. His cousin, Kadyn, who is 20 days older is basically a little monster to put it lightly. He likes to push, pinch, hit, and bite Easton. Easton is pretty sensitive and didn't know what to think so he was crying and running away from Kadyn a lot. I think they are starting to get used to each other now after almost a week together. I got to meet my cute little niece for the first time. She is now 6 weeks but just as big as Easton was when he was born. It is crazy to think that he was ever that small.

Easton playing in the pool with cousin Kadyn and mom. Cousin Ashlyn watching.

Cute little cousin Ashlyn.

Easton, Mom, and Kadyn.

Video of Easton playing in the puddle.

On the car ride back to my mom's Easton got a fever I think from teething. He has 8 teeth for sure and more I believe on the way. Poor guy. He has been sick with a fever for about 2 days now and has been extremely cranky and fussy. Everything has been making him really upset and the only person he will go to is me. He is such a mommy's boy.

1 comment:

Heather, Rick and Savannah said...

Ashley, it sounds like your vacation has been packed with lots of fun activities! I'm glad you are having fun, but we miss you back here in MD! Doesn't teething stink? I hope Easton feels better soon. You could try getting a baby washcloth just a little wet, freezing it and letting him chew it cold. Might help?