Wednesday, July 30, 2008

14 months old

Easton is 14 months old today. It is so crazy how much time flys. Nathan just the other day told me that he has been telling everyone that Easton is 12 months old. It probably doesn't help that Easton was 12 months old the last time Nathan saw him. I feel so bad for Nathan because he has missed so many new and exciting things Easton has learned. He only gets to hear about it over the phone, but at least we can talk over the phone every day though, right? It makes me feel so sad but appreciate those soliders who are willing to serve over in Iraq for our country. How hard it would be to have a spouse or family member over there for 12-15 months at a time. They miss so many special moments in their families' lives. Only two more weeks until we get to see Nathan!

Last week Easton and I went with Gpa and Gma Whiting to Quincy, WA to visit my Gma and Gpa Flynn and a lot more family that lives in or was visiting the area. It was great to see more family and Easton had a lot of fun with all of my cousin's kids. Mostly we visited and played card games while the kids played outside. We also had a BBQ over at my Aunt Gayla's house. Easton just loved the water fountain. It was almost impossible to get him away from that thing. He attempted and succeeded several times in getting into the fountain and drinking from it as if he was a puppy. The things kids do to make you proud.

Easton on the car ride home reading his silly monkey book.

On Saturday we went to Timothy Lake (Mt Hood area) with my Dad and Sharon and Sharon's family. It was wonderful to get away and just relax by the water all day. My Dad and I took Easton out on the kayak. He really seemed to enjoy it a lot and had to wave to everyone he saw. Easton also loved to try and follow everyone that walked their dog by us so he could hopefully get close enough to pet their dog. He loves animals (dogs) so much more these days. In fact, he now signs dog and tries to woof when he sees one (well that aplies to all animals these days. He apparently thinks all animals are dogs). It is of course really cute to me. On our way back Easton was getting hungry (kept signing eat) so we grabbed some french fries for him to eat. For some strange reason he wouldn't eat a fry unless he touched it to or put it between his toes. Kids can be so gross sometimes.

Easton picking up rocks and sticking them in his mouth.

Mom and Easton at Timothy Lake.

"More fries"

Easton touching fries to his toes before eating them.

Last night we roasted marshmallows and had smores. Easton seemed more interested in the fire than the smores which was okay with me because that meant more for me. I was a little scared about the fire but after not having much success with playing with the fire Easton became interested in the baby pool. In fact, when I turned my back he crawled right into the pool (shoes, socks, and clothes). I didn't get a picture of it because I didn't have my camera with me at the time. My dad ended up pouring all the water out to avoid further temptation and then Easton, of course, went right over and stomped and splashed in the big puddle left behind. Afterwards Easton thought it would be fun to go and play in the dirt which let me tell you mixes really well with wet clothes and shoes. He was so muddy that I had to take all his clothes off when we finally decided to go inside. Then I had to go and pick my mom up from work with a kid in only a diaper and a rain jacket on. Can we say tacky? I just love my little boy. He makes my life so much fun and very exciting.

Easton dunking the basketball with help of Gpa and Gma Whiting.


Natalie said...

Sounds like he keeps you busy! I'm excited for all the crazy adventures that come with having a little boy :)

Aleese and Scott said...

I can't believe how long it has been since we saw you guys. Easton is looking a lot older. I love your hair cut you look cute with short hair! I am glad you guys are having fun, looks like you have had a blast!

Heather, Rick and Savannah said...

Easton is so hilarious! We miss his adventurous spirit around here. He is growing up so fast! I'm glad you will get to see Nathan again soon. Med school is crazy, isn't it? But you're right--I feel lucky that our guys only have to be away for a month or two at at time. I really feel for those families that have to be apart for much longer! Although I hate to think about it, we might have our chance to experience that, too!