Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Zoo and family

Yesterday Easton and I went to the zoo with my mom. It was nice to finally get out and spend the day with my mom. I have been in Washington for 5 weeks now and this was the first day my mom had off that was just her and me (well and Easton too!) It has been nice to have lots of family in town but I have to admit that I love my one on one mommy time. My grandpa got diagnosed with Alzheimer's the week I arrived here so things have been really crazy trying to figure out what the best thing would be for my grandpa. He finally moved into a home here in Vancouver so my mom is close enough to go and visit him almost daily. I think this will be good for both of them. We had a lot of fun at the zoo. I can't say that Easton had a favorite because he was so interested in everything. He would wave to the elephants and giraffes, point to the fish and turtles, talk to the polar bears and cougars, watch the monkeys and hippos, and just laugh at the bats. I'm glad that Easton likes the zoo because I absolutely love going to the zoo myself. It is one of my favorite things to do.

Gma Whiting and Easton

Easton on the horse.

Mom and Easton on the tractor.

Easton didn't really care much for the petting zoo. He would get really excited to get a better look at the animals, but then he would only go so close before he would chicken out and walk away. While we were petting the sheep I kept feeling someone tugging on my shirt. It was a little annoying but I just thought it was Easton getting scared and wanting me to hold him. Eventually I looked down to pick him up and instead of my cute little boy looking up at me with his innocent blue eyes, it was a black eyed beast (sheep) nibbling away at my shirt and camera case. No wonder Easton was a little timid to get near such a thing. I wouldn't want to get eaten alive either. After walking around the zoo for a couple of hours in the blistering heat we decided to head home. On the way we stopped in to visit my grandpa. He seems to really enjoy his new home which is really good to hear.

My brother and sister in law came in town this weekend to visit before they head back to Kansas where my brother is going to law school. We celebrated my mom's birthday (even though it is not for another week), went shopping, and just hung out. It was a quick weekend but still lots of fun. I almost felt childless this last weekend because Easton was getting so much attention from everyone else (mostly his uncle). I only really saw him when he needed his diaper changed (thanks Wade).

Easton loves to play outside.

Grandma Sharon pushing Easton in a wheel barrow.

Sharon and Easton playing in the fish pond (for some reason Easton tries to drink like a dog from the fish pond. He hasn't succeed yet but is constantly trying).

1 comment:

Heather, Rick and Savannah said...

Hey Ashley! I bet you are so glad to have Nathan back home. We are having fun in OH with Rick but miss everyone back home already. I'm glad you had a great time with your family. Easton is so funny with his trying to drink out of the fountain. He is such a funny little guy. I like your haircut, too, by the way. It's really cute!