Friday, August 22, 2008

Anniversary aquarium pics

Nathan just emailed me the aquarium pictures but there were only two pictures that turned out decent. The others were either too dark or too blurry.

Dolphin show. We couldn't clap or cheer because one of the dolphins just recently gave birth and they didn't want the extra noise for the momma and baby. We all really enjoyed the whole day.

Dad and Easton at Cheesecake Factory. Yes, Easton joined us for our anniversary date but I figure it is okay because it is a celebration for the day our family began and Easton is now part of our family. Plus, we both thought that he would really enjoy the aquarium (which he did). He was really good so there was definitely no regrets for bringing him. I doubt that it will be a tradition to bring our kids with us on our anniversary date in the future so, Easton you better feel special!

1 comment:

Aleese and Scott said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Wow what a fun date and how sweet for Nathan to surprise you! I also love the movie of Easton I can't wait to see you guys and see how much he has grown!