Monday, February 9, 2009

24 Weeks and Easton update

So Easton and I were sick all last week so that is why I haven't posted in a while. We have been stuck in the house and just haven't really done anything. Here is still an update of things Easton has been up to (along with random pictures that have nothing to do with this post). Pic #1 24 week picture of me. Pic #2 Easton being silly (laying on top of tons of stuffed animals and wearing a cowboy hat). Pic #3 Easton playing in the snow after walking to a friends house. He was so wet and cold by the time we got close to home that he just stood still and started to cry. He wouldn't walk so I had to pick him up and carry him the rest of the way home.
Words Easton currently says without being prompted:
Mama, Dada, hi, bye, up, down, on, off, book, baby (blanket), shoes, apple, cookie, please, thank you, no thank you, yeah!, NO! (by far his most used word), eat, Amen, ball, hat, and two (but you have to say one before he will say two).

He definitely can say other words but he generally needs to be prompted to say them. Some of these include:
Milk, juice, water, all done, eyes, nose, ears, head, red, blue, bath, cheese, car, home, Jesus, sorry, night night (goodnight), and I love you.

We are trying to work on animal names but for some reason Easton will still only make the animal sounds for those animals. Me: “Say, Dog.” Easton: “Woof, Woof.” Maybe someday he will figure it out. We are also working on colors and counting to three.

We just taught Easton how to do knucks. He gets really excited and likes to give fives and knucks. He is getting a lot better with knucks but when we first taught him it was a little scary. He would start swinging his little fist like he was going to punch you out. He now understands for the most part to just touch his knuckles to yours.

One of Easton’s new fascinations is belly buttons. I think he thinks that my belly button and possibly others are called “baby”. I will point to my stomach and say “baby” and he will lift up my shirt and poke at my belly button.

Another fascination is the toilet. He likes to ripe toilet paper off the roll (luckily he generally will only take one square or less at a time) and lift the toilet seat up and put the toilet paper in the toilet. He also just figured out how to flush the toilet.

He also loves the TV. We now have to unplug the TV from the power strip because he not only knows how to turn on the TV but he occasionally figures out that if he turns the power strip on then he can turn the TV on as well. He doesn’t do it so much now but about a month ago when ever he watched TV he would have tears streaming down his face because he would either forget or just not want to blink. My guess is he was afraid that he might miss sometime if he blinked. It was a funny sight to walk in on him watching Judge Judy (random) and crying like a baby (maybe Easton was just sympathizing for those people that have to deal with a mean judge like Judge Judy).


Unknown said...

We are so happy for you guys to be having a girl, I have been making stuff for her already! Easton is getting so big and saying great words he needs to say "lets race" or "Moto" and Uncle Lance will be on top of the world. We love you guys and miss you.

Sled Family said...

Nice shirt!!! boy is easton growing up.