Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 1 - Pensacola

In our room we have a fridge that is smaller than a normal sized fridge but bigger than a mini fridge. Well, Easton is in love with this fridge because he has no problem opening it and getting whatever he wants. I thought this would be convenient at first because I wouldn’t have to get up and help Easton every time he wanted something but it now is a little annoying. He is constantly opening and closing that fridge just because he can and about half the time he forgets to close the door so I have to get up and close it. The other day he opened the fridge and grabbed a bag of grapes. I figured he would just open the bag and pull off what he wanted but instead he dumped the entire bag on his plate. He just looked up at me with a big proud smile on his face. It was as if he was saying, “Mommy, look at what I did ALL by myself!” Easton is definitely becoming more and more independent.

We found a couple of parks on base that we visit frequently. Easton loves to play outside and the weather for the most part has been really nice. Easton also really likes to play in the sand. We have a volleyball court outside our place where Easton plays in the sand with his bucket and shovel. He thinks it is hilarious to throw/dump the sand on me.

This picture reminds me of Nathan because Easton's little tongue is sticking out just like Nathan's does when he is concentrating really hard.

Easton especially loved going to the beach. He ran right up to the water and wanted to jump in. Nathan grabbed him just in time before he got all wet. Again he loves the sand and was basically swimming in it the first time we brought him. He also liked digging for shells with Daddy, throwing sand at Mommy, and of course eating the sand (I don’t know that I’ll ever understand this kid. He will eat sand almost like it is candy but the other day he refused to eat ice cream with hot fudge and yummy toppings). When we were leaving Pensacola Beach we decided we would take a drive and see how far the beach went (I also wanted to see what all the beach houses looked like). After a while Easton was getting cranky because he was probably hungry and tired of being in the car so we decided to turn around and go back. We tried doing a U-turn but apparently our car is not made to drive on sand so we got stuck. Poor Nathan had to get out and try to push us out of the sand but that didn’t get us very far. After a couple of cars passed us by, a car finally stopped with two men who were more than happy to help us out. The men must have been locals because they told us this happens to everyone. They along with Nathan pushed as I tried to reverse out of the sand. The car still didn’t move but a man on a bike stopped and gave us a hand as well. They dug around the tires and then pushed again. This time we finally made it out. Nathan says that next time we buy a car it will have 4-wheel drive. First stuck in snow and then sand, what will be next?

Easton also likes his new friend in the mirror. I often find him giving himself kisses and laughing at himself. He thinks it is just great that someone will copy him. Every time I take out the camera to catch it on film he of course stops what he is doing. Here is a video of him kind of playing with his friend in the mirror and then him roaring at me.

Nathan got off work early on Thursday so we decided to go to some outlet stores. I got some really good deals on baby clothes for both Easton and the baby. Outside the stores every so often there was a kid ride for 75 cents. Nathan happened to have 3 quarters so we thought it would be fun for Easton to take a ride on one. At first he didn’t seem too sure of the ride but eventually we got some smiles out of him and he appeared to be having fun. He was definitely not happy once the ride stopped though. He burst into tears and wanted to ride it some more. Unfortunately for him we didn’t have any more quarters and unfortunately for us there was a different ride about every five stores we came to. Easton would run up to the new ride, hope in, and wait for it to go. Of course it didn’t and so tears would start all over again. Eventually we had to distract Easton’s attention away from the rides every time we came close to one.

Easton after his ride.


SMT Family said...

I love this kid!

Heather, Rick and Savannah said...

i love the video--Easton's "growling" is the best! Boys are boys from the very beginning! Oh, I have to tell you this cute thing. Today we were looking through your Ensign that Nathan left us and we came to the picture of Joseph Smith in the home teaching message and Savannah said "Nathan told me about that." I didn't even realize she was paying attention! So tell Nathan thanks for us. Anyway, keep having fun!