Wednesday, June 3, 2009


First off I had my doctor’s appointment today and we scheduled an induction for the 8th if Blair decides not to come on her own. Of course this isn’t a for sure thing since we will have to see if there is room available for us (which may not be promising since there is a full moon on the 7th). Wish us luck!

Easton is pretty funny…The other day he found an ant (“ug” translation bug) crawling around in his room. At first he was very interested and excited about it. He got down on his tummy and watched if for a while. Then he ran and grabbed a tissue to squish it just like daddy does (unfortunately the ant was faster than Easton and/or Easton wasn’t using enough force to squish the ant). After a while of attempting to kill the ug he got scared of it and ran and sat in my lap. Apparently I can save him from scary ants too! He continued to watch the ant from a safe distance but then he realized the ant was going after one of his books. He definitely couldn’t allow that so he took off running towards his book to save it from the scary ant. He picked up the book and then told the ant, “NO, MINE!” He then ran back to my lap. About a minute goes by and the ant is headed towards the bouncy chair. Easton runs and beats the ant to the bouncy chair and sits in it to claim his territory. Again, he tells the ant off. “NO, MINE!” This happened once again with one of his toys. Easton apparently won’t share with anyone or anything.

Easton watching the Ant.

Easton trying to squish the "ug"

Easton getting scared by the "ug"

Easton telling the "ug" NO! I couldn't get him on video telling the ant no when the bug was going to take his toys.

After my doctor’s appointment Easton and I went to Chuck E. Cheese for Emma’s birthday party. Easton had a blast. I couldn’t get him off the horse racing game. I’m pretty sure he spent over a 1/3 of his tokens on that ride and probably would have spent all his tokens if he would have found it earlier and if I would have let him. He also had a blast dancing with Chuck E. Cheese. Needless to say by the time it was time to go home and take a nap Easton was not happy to leave. I had to carry him out kicking and screaming. One lady was laughing uncontrollably when she saw us exit and others on the way to the car just looked at me wondering what the heck I was doing to my child. I’m glad that he liked Chuck E. Cheese but I’m not sure I look forward to the next time we go there and it’s time to leave.

Easton riding the horse. He doesn't look like he's having much fun but believe me he wouldn't get off this thing.

Easton very excited about Chuck E. Cheese.

Easton spinning, jumping, and dancing.


Diana said...

That boy has some moves. His sigh of defeat against the bug in the second video is hilarious. Congrats on the induction date. I hope she comes earlier though.

Hot Gma said...

I want to ride the horsey. It looks way fun! I get the biggest kick out of your stories and videos. My checks hurt from smiling so much. Keep up the good work. P.S. Does he dance like you or Nathan?

Myk said...

Funny videos