Friday, June 12, 2009

Photos, Pool, and Bath

Easton loves to hold Blair. He can't get enough of her. Whenever I take her away he says, "NO, NO, NO!" When I put her back in his lap, he gets the biggest smile on his face. He absolutely adores her. He likes to give her kisses and to gently pat her back.

Easton holding Blair.
Here are a few shots of my little angel. She is such a good baby just like Easton. I am definitely lucky! The last two nights she has slept five hours straight! She doesn't even cry when she wakes up. I just hear her moving around and when I check on her she is just wide awake licking her lips. After I feed her she sleeps for another two hours!

Finally getting upset with all the flash and pictures I was taking of her.
Easton finally got to go swimming in our pool the first time this year. Our passes finally came so Nathan took Easton for a swim. The baby pool was closed so Easton got to experience the big pool for the first time.

I swear he was having fun. He just didn't want to smile for the camera.

Easton playing catch with Daddy.

Going for a swim with Daddy.
Blair's first bath at home. She definitely did not enjoy it. This is the most that I have heard her cry, which means she did not like this experience at all.


The Mayor said...

I almost cried watching your bath video! I can barely remember Evan being that tiny! ~Lindsay

Heather, Rick and Savannah said...

We are so excited to meet Blair soon! What a cool birth story, too! I think it is worthy of being recorded as a case study in one of those med school books :) She is such a darling little girl. Congrats, Kelsey Fam! We miss you all!