Thursday, July 19, 2012

Some of Dyer's first steps and Father's Day!

Dyer took some of his first steps over a month ago but he still isn't walking much.  He has taken as much as 15 steps at one time but he still prefers crawling over walking and actually probably prefers being held to crawling.  Yes, he is a bit spoiled.  
Video of Dyer taking some of his first steps:

Nathan had (I think) a pretty relaxing Father's Day.  We got in really late the night before because we went and saw Wicked, but somehow I still managed to get up early and make him breakfast in bed before we had to get ready for church.  I saw this really fun idea of making bacon roses so I thought I would give it a try.  

Up close picture of the bacon roses.

I got a nice laugh from Nathan so my mission was accomplished!

We love you Handsome!  Hopefully you had a great day!  Thanks for being such an amazing father and husband!

1 comment:

Myk said...

The Roses turned out cute! Wade would like them too.