Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Good to have my baby boy back

Easton and I have been sick the last week with colds but Easton seemed to have it a lot worse than me. He wasn’t sleeping well, eating or drinking well and well to put it as nicely as I possibly can: He was a PAIN to have around. The first day was fine he just wanted to be held all day long which was fine with me since I wasn’t feeling too well myself. It was a nice and relaxing day. Then it went downhill from there. He just cried and whined all day long. He would tell me he was hungry so I would either make something or have him pick something out and then the next second he would tell me no (in his whiny voice), push the food away, and walk away. I can’t tell you how much food we either wasted or I ended up eating (I’m sure I gained unnecessary weight just because I didn’t want to waste the food). Then on Friday Easton started to not sleep through the night. He kept waking up with a fever so we would give him some Tylenol, comfort him a little, and put him back to bed. Then Monday night was horrible. He woke up again with a fever but there was no comforting him and definitely no putting him back to bed. After two hours of trying to calm him down and put him to sleep, Nathan got up twice to help out. The only thing that seemed to calm him down was to read him a story. So Nathan read the same story over and over again. Eventually Nathan gave Easton a blessing and then went back to bed. As long as Easton was distracted and awake he seemed fine so I gave up trying to put him back to bed and just watched a movie with him at 3:00 in the morning. Nathan (not to mention our neighbors) needed some sleep so a movie seemed like our only option. Luckily once the movie was over the Tylenol must have kicked in and Easton must have been extremely tired because he fell asleep almost the second his head hit the pillow. I thought with the rough night that we had that Easton would most certainly sleep in late. No such luck. He woke up crying and whining at 7:45 (yes this is sleeping in for us on most days but not the sleeping in I was hoping for). He did the whole hungry routine again and started to cry and complain. I figured I would call the doctor and see if they had any same day appointments. Luckily for my sanity they did. We only had less than an hour to get ready and be at the doctor’s office. It is about a 20 minute drive so we had to be fast. We were about 5 minutes late but we got in. Of course once we got to the doctor’s office Easton was the happiest I’ve seen him all week. He was full of smiles and excited about all the books, toys, and fish to look at. At this time I was thinking, “Great a wasted trip” but actually it turned out that Easton had two ear infections. Poor Easton. No wonder he was so unpleasant to be around. After some medicine, almost 14 hours of sleep, and some food in his tummy, he is almost back to his normal happy self. What a relief. I’m just glad that he is feeling better.

On another note, Nathan has been doing Plastic Surgery last week and this week. He seems to be enjoying it for the most part, especially when the patients have good reason to get the surgery done. One patient had breast cancer and had to remove at least one of her breasts and wanted to get reconstructive breast surgery. I definitely think that is a good reason to get plastic surgery.

Besides trying to get myself and Easton better, I have also been trying to be creative with making baby headbands. Here’s a sample of the very first one I made. I’m actually impressed with myself. It’s not perfect but it still looks pretty good (if I do say so myself). I don’t have a baby to model them on yet and since I’m definitely not going to use Easton as my model, I had to settle for a teddy bear. I only have a month to go until my due date!


Hot Gma said...

Cute head band Ashley. I would say you're a chip off the old block, but that would be lying. I'm glad my kiods have talent. It makes up for me. Glad you're feeling better too. Love you.

Shawna said...

Cute headbands! Feel free to use Moira if you need her! :) Glad that Easton is feeling better!

Mrs Abbott said...

What a crazy time! Asher has been sick too and he keeps wanting to read the same books over and over. Luckily he sleeps through the night though! Hope Easton stays better!