Thursday, January 8, 2009

Toddler bed

Nathan and I finally got Easton a toddler bed last week to start transitioning him from his crib to his bed before the new baby comes. I thought it would be a lot harder than it has been. Luckily for us Easton loves his new bed. He plays in it all day with his stuffed animals and blanket (or "baby" as he likes to call it). Anyways, I had planned on making the transition a slow one, but after a few days of waiting for him to fall asleep in his crib and then moving him to his bed, I decided to see how he would react to putting him straight to bed in his toddler bed. I put the kiddie gate in front of his door so that he couldn't get out of his room (a little mean maybe but it isn't all that different from a crib right?) The first night was the hardest but surprisingly it was a lot easier than I imagined it would be. He cried for about 15 minutes by the gate and then when things quieted down I went to check on him and he was fast asleep on his bed. Last night he cried for about 10 minutes by the gate and then fell asleep on his bed and then tonight he cried for only two minutes by the gate and then fell asleep on his bed. We are still working on nap time. I guess when it is light out Easton thinks it is play time and not nap time. I will probably have to work on this in two weeks because Nathan is currently working night shift (OB rotation) for the next two weeks and I really don't think he will appreciate crying, screaming, and struggling when he is trying to get some much needed sleep. So far Nathan seems to enjoy the OB part of this rotation. In a couple weeks he will be doing GYN so we will see how much he likes it after that. He took part in a birth on Tuesday night and got to deliver the placenta (a little gross but I guess that is all part of child birth).


Myk said...

Do you think Nathan will want to help deliver your next one?

The Kelseys said...

He says that he doesn't want to do anything on family members so probably not. I was surprised that he would even take Easton's stitches out but it was that or wait in the ER for who knows how long.

Heather, Rick and Savannah said...

Wow! I can't believe how well it went. I have been putting it off and dreading it and we still don't have a toddler bed! You will have to fill me in on how you guys worked it our so well. By the way, the bathroom is way cute!