Tuesday, May 3, 2011

You know you're getting old when...

you go to the grocery store to buy beer and you don't get carded! Yes that is right I bought beer, but it's not what you think... We are working on planting a garden and I told Nathan that we needed to get some slug/snail bait to put around our garden. He told me he was planning on using beer for that. I was a little confused since I had never heard of that before but figured why not try it. We were out buying some stuff for our garden and decided to stop by the grocery store to buy some beer. Nathan forgot his wallet at home and since we didn't want to drag the kids into the store for such a quick trip, that left me to go in and buy some beer. Can we say awkward? Not only was it weird because I'm LDS and obviously don't drink beer (I admit I was feeling a little guilty about it and kept looking around the store hoping I wouldn't see anyone I knew) but it was definitely weird since I look like I'm about ready to pop! It took me forever to find the beer because well I've never bought beer before and had no clue where it was. I finally found it but then I wasn't sure which beer to get. If someone saw me they probably would have thought I was trying to talk myself out of buying beer since I'm pregnant. Finally I decide on one and bring it to the check out line. The person checking me out of course asked me if the beer was for me. I explained to him what I was using it for and he said that was a good thing because if it was for me he probably wouldn't have sold it to me. The person behind me chimes in and says, "of course its not for her, it's for the baby!" That did get a nice little chuckle out of me but I quickly paid for my purchase, grabbed the bag and headed for the car. I was a little disappointed that I didn't get carded though because most people think that I'm younger than I am.

In fact on Sunday someone told me that someone else in my ward actually thought that I was a pregnant teenager. Yes, I work with the young women in my ward so I'm around them a lot but seriously!?! I'm glad that we got that one sorted out but if one person thought this it makes me wonder if anyone else in my ward thinks the same thing. And I wonder what they think when they see two other kids in tow? Haha! I'm a little curious how old they think I am and how old that would have made me when I had Easton.

1 comment:

Child Family said...

Ha ha Ashley..we all know you have a drinking problem.