Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Week 4 in Washington

On my mom's day off we went to Bonneville Dam to watch the fish swim up the river. Easton was pretty interested in the fish for the first little while but then thought it would be more fun to run around the building. Blair is such an easy baby. Whenever we go out all she does is sleep all day. I feel a little bad sometimes because I hardly get any pictures of her of when we go out. When I do get pictures of her they are generally of her sleeping. I guess I should just enjoy the time with her sleeping because soon enough I will have two little ones to run after.

My sweet little angel sleeping.

Video of Easton and the fish.

Grandma and Easton

Grandma rocking Blair to sleep. She does this almost every night. Blair is becoming more and more of a cuddlier and I love it!

The other night my mom thought it would be fun to show Easton some videos of me when I was a little girl. On one of the videos it had some of my sister's dance recitals on it. We watch a few of them and Easton loved them. He kept trying to copy the moves he saw the the video. Here is Easton's dance recital.

Grandpa took us to the river to play on the playground and throw rocks. There were a couple of boys there playing as well and Easton of course followed them all around. Easton loves to throw rocks and other things into water. When we got to Grandpa's house after the park he put rocks into the bird bath and got in trouble. When we came inside the house he put a peach into the fish tank and of course go in trouble. Two weeks ago he dropped a rock into the fish tank and yes he got in trouble.

Later that night we went to a wedding reception. One of the girls I used to babysit got married. I can't tell you how old I feel now.

Video of Easton throwing rocks. Apparently I thought he could throw farther than he did.