Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentines Day

Valentines Day was celebrated early this year for a couple of different reasons. First and most obvious was that V-day fell on Sunday but we also celebrated early because of Nathan's crazy work schedule. Nathan came home Tuesday after work and surprised me with flowers and lots of chocolate (3 different kinds to be exact from Trader Joes. They have good chocolate there.) Thursday Nathan took all of us out to Cheesecake Factory (my favorite). It was wonderful. Good food (especially dessert), well behaved kids (thank goodness) and best of all I got to spend it with my three favorite people. I love them all so much!

1 comment:

Mrs Abbott said...

I saw those chocolates at Trader Joes and they looked really good! I wanted to ask Josh to get them for me but I didn't want to be picky!