Sunday, April 12, 2009

32 weeks, Easter stuff, and other random things

32 weeks down. 8 more to go! Happy Easter everyone! We just got back from having Easter dinner with some friends/ward members. We had a great time.

Easton and I went to our wards playgroup Easter party on Friday. I decided to make and bring Easter egg sugar cookies. I thought it would be fun for Easton to help me make them but this is about as much helping as he did. I guess I do have to give him credit for frosting about half a cookie and putting sprinkles on it but he ended up eating two cookies. He is a sneaky one.

Easton didn’t seem to have as much fun with this Easter egg hunt as he did at Nathan’s school but he did enjoy the candy that came inside. Like I said before, he is a sneaky one. He kept unwrapping the candy and sticking it in his mouth. Before I knew it he had eaten almost all the candy. He did save a little to share with Daddy though. When we got home from the party it was time for Easton’s nap. He was playing in his room for a little bit with the bouncer but eventually things got quiet. I went into his room to check on him and I found him asleep in the bouncer. We might have a harder time giving this toy to Blair then we thought.

When Easton got up from his nap I thought it would be fun for him to go outside and ride his bike since it was a nice day and the sun was actually shinning. We weren’t out there for more than a minute when a bee buzzed right by Easton and he freaked out. He started crying, screaming, and shaking. He eventually ran to me to pick him up. Apparently I can save him from the bees. Easton has been terrified of bees ever since he saw some kids at the park in Florida freak out about the bees there. Before then he would just ignore them or point to them and say “buzz”. It looks like we won’t be going outside much this spring unless Easton can overcome his fear of bees.

Easton woke up this morning (Easter) to a chocolate bunny and an Easter egg hunt in our living room/dining room. He was super excited. He just thought it was the greatest thing when he spotted an Easter egg. I tried to video him but it is hard to see his excited facial expressions.

Yesterday Easton came and sat in my lap holding his favorite teddy bear “baby” and was rocking it back and forth in his arms. I commented to him how nice he was being to his baby and then asked him if he was going to be just as nice to his baby sister. He looked at me and then threw his bear on the floor. I hope he is not planning on doing that to his sister.

Nathan just finished up his first two weeks of surgery (ENT) and will start anesthesiology tomorrow for two weeks. Two weeks of surgery down only ten more to go. So far it hasn’t been too horrible but I’m sure it is just the beginning. General surgery will probably be the hardest. On Friday Nathan went in to the hospital at 5:30am to play dodge ball with his co-workers. I think he had a really good time even though he came home later that day sore all over. His team won every game except one.

I’m so excited. I finally got my cookbook in the mail the other day. It is called the sneaky chef. I’m looking for ways to hide veggies and other good stuff in some of the foods that Easton eats. He eats some veggies (if they are raw) and does pretty good with fruits but I know he doesn’t get nearly as much as he should. Yesterday I did my first experiment with brownies. I know this is going to sound disgusting but they ended up tasting pretty good. Basically you puree the healthy ingredients and put them in the recipe. This recipe called for spinach, blueberries, wheat germ, and wheat flour (we didn’t have any wheat flour so I just stuck with the regular white). This recipe has about ¼ of the amount of sugar I generally put in my regular brownies and about half the butter I generally use. These brownies are much healthier and Easton ate his piece all up. I have to admit that they don’t taste as good as my usual brownies but they do still taste pretty good. I’m excited to see what else I can sneakily make.

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