Sunday, April 26, 2009

Building Museum and Circus

On Wednesday I went with a few friends downtown DC to the building museum (building zone for kids). It wasn’t exactly as I thought it would be, but I think we all still had a really great time. Easton of course enjoyed it (which is all that matters) and started crying when it was time to leave. Easton had fun with puzzles, throwing balls, lining up chairs, building towers and of course destroying them, and playing with all the dump trucks. He was a busy little boy and it was definitely hard for me to keep up to take any descent pictures.

On Friday Nathan took us out to eat at a nice Italian restaurant. They serve almost everything family style so basically everyone has to agree on what you want or you pay a lot and bring home a lot. Luckily, they had fettuccini as a side dish because if anyone knows me I pretty much have to have fettuccini when I go to an Italian restaurant (I know I’m boring). We got that along with a small chicken dish (similar to chicken cordon bleu). It was really good. On the way home from the restaurant I was looking out my window and saw a huge tent that looked as though it could possibly be a circus tent. I was so excited and had to know what it was so I made Nathan drive around to find the tent. We eventually made it over to the fair grounds and it was in fact a circus tent. I have always wanted to go to the circus and I made it pretty clear to Nathan that I really wanted to go. We went home to check on line to see what times the shows were at and of course how much it would cost. During all this exciting research and showing Easton videos of the circus, Nathan fell asleep. I decided we could wait until the next day to purchase tickets.

On Saturday Nathan thought that it would be a good idea to purchase the tickets on line to make sure that we had tickets for the show. What do you know; when we got online to buy the tickets they were all sold out. I was so sad and devastated. I seriously thought I was going to cry. I wanted to go so bad. Luckily Nathan had a great idea to go to the fairgrounds and see if they might still have tickets there. They did which was good news for me but for some reason the tickets were more expensive there than they were on line. Some nice people waiting in line with Nathan actually had some extra $5 off coupons and gave Nathan two of them. Apparently they don’t sell general admission (cheapest) tickets until an hour before the show so Nathan bought the most expensive tickets (VIP). I’m guessing Nathan wanted to make sure that we for sure had tickets so that I wasn’t disappointed again if the show sold out before we got tickets. I know my Handsome loves me! We were in the third row. It was awesome. We had a great time despite the fact that it was really hot and we were all sweating (great picture I’m sure). Easton was having the time of his life. He was super excited and clapping almost the entire time. I swear he didn’t blink the entire time we were there. He loved all the animals and of course had to point to all of them out and tell us exactly what they were. This morning Nathan informed me that Easton was following his elephant (Horton) around the house by the tail and that he was also putting Horton on top of a box and making Nathan pet him. I wish I would have seen it. It is so funny and cute the things kids remember and copy.

The elephants were my favorite.
The bottom lady is hanging from the top lady's hair (ouch and crazy).
Tight rope walkers (7 men pyramid).


SMT Family said...

You guys have so much fun! Good work Nathan on getting tickets to the circus! I can just picture Easton in all of his excitement. How adorable--what a great memory.

Hot Gma said...

Thanks handsome for taking care of my baby. I didn't know she wanted to go to the circus. What a mom I am.