Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy Weekend

Our ward had a camp out this last weekend. It turned out to be a lot of fun. Easton loves the outdoors so he was in heaven playing with all the kids outside. We were in charge of our own dinners so Nathan and I experimented with foil dinners. It turned out alright but I think if we do it again we will definitely need more seasoning. Easton of course had a hot dog but actually didn’t eat much of it because he was so busy watching everyone else and what they were doing. We ate smores (my favorite), sang songs, talked with friends, and had a little devotional. Easton started out the night pretty good. He fell asleep rather quickly, which was a surprise to me since it took him close to two hours to fall asleep when we camped out in our living room, but unfortunately, Easton woke up at least 4 times during the night. Nathan wasn’t too happy about it and I felt really bad for the bishop and his family whose tent was right next to ours. In the morning they said, “so it sounded like you guys had a rough night last night.” Yes, that was my son crying and screaming several times in the middle of the night. Sorry! One of the times Easton woke up he found his night light, turned it on, found his way to the bottom of the sleeping bag, and decided to play with it for at least a half hour if not for an hour. I have no idea what gave him the idea that it was time to play. Oh well we made it through with some sleep, sore backs, and no mosquito bites. With the exception of Easton falling down and getting a bloody lip, I think overall it was a successful camping trip. I had fun and I think deep down Nathan had fun as well. Maybe next time we will have to make sure Nathan isn’t sleeping on a piece of fruit (this explains the big uncomfortable lump he had to sleep on).

Easton chilling out in his stroller with his blanket.

Easton brushing his teeth before bed.

On Saturday, Nathan and I played on our ward’s softball team. It was actually really fun. I was a little nervous to play since the last time I played was when I was 10. We lost the first game but won the second. I came away burnt and sore. I played catcher and let me tell you squatting several times in one game definitely gives you a workout. I’m still really sore. After the game we went home, ate, showered, and then went over to a member’s house to watch the BYU game. We left early and went over to a friend’s house to watch their little boy while they went to the National’s game. That was the easiest babysitting job ever. They put him to bed before we got there so all we had to do was listen to the baby monitor. Once Easton was asleep, Nathan played the Wii while I took a much needed nap.

On Sunday, we went to church and then had some friends over for a pizza party. The kids played while the adults visited. Nathan had to leave for a church meeting but we still managed to enjoy ourselves without him. That’s our busy weekend in a nutshell. I just love weekends when Nathan is between rotations. Not a care in the world and full of fun! Nathan just finished his psychiatry rotation and just started his internal medicine rotation today. I hear this is one of the tougher rotations so wish us luck.

1 comment:

Hot Gma said...

Thanks for the update. Grandma's like to be kept in the know. Wow you guys have a busy/fun life. I'm jealous, except for the fruit to sleep on. Love you.