Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Project and other news

Mom and Easton with completed project.

I can officially call myself a sewer now! I finally busted out the sewing machine that I brought back from home this summer and finally sewed something together. It definitely isn’t the best but I’m somewhat pleased with the results. I’ve been wanting to make this harness/leash for Easton for a while now but kept putting it off for some time now because #1 I didn’t have a sewing machine and #2 I really don’t know how to sew (unless of course you count the pioneer dress that all the young women in my ward were required to make-that is a long story that may need to be told some other time). Anyways, it’s not perfect but it was a good learning process for me. I had this pooh back pack that I got from Disney land a long time ago and decided it would work perfectly. It reminded me a lot of those cute little monkey harness/leashes they sell in the stores. So I got some supplies (I know they are dog leashes and collars but what works for one can work for another right?-I didn’t know where else to get the stuff) and got to work. Here is the completed project.

Front (sewed the buckles to the straps)

Back (leash)

Other news: Easton is really taking off with his signing. It is really cute especially his please and thank you. I can’t tell you how excited I am that he is communicating with us. It makes things so much easier to know what he wants. And my little boy has manners. Yes! These are the most often used signs for Easton: more, all done, eat, milk, help (we use this one mainly as up), dog, water, drink, please, thank you, and monkey.

We have recently been trying to teach Easton to fold his arms during prayer which has only been successful about once for about two seconds but I guess you got to start somewhere. He has also been trying to copy words and sort of has Amen down now after the prayer is said (it sounds more like Am). So at church on Sunday for the opening prayer we tell Easton to fold his arms and no joke three seconds into the prayer Easton says Am…looks at us and sees that we are still folding our arms and sort of closing our eyes so he says Am again and again and then wants down. I guess he’s the one who decides when the prayer is done. Other words he tries to copy is all done (ah da), thank you (da do), dog (da), and of course boo (ba) and Am (Amen).

One of Easton’s favorite books is the silly monkey books (he has two: 5 silly monkeys and 8 silly monkeys). He loves to copy the part where the doctor says “No more monkeys ________on the bed”. He points his finger and shakes it up and down anytime that part of the book says it and also anytime he picks up the book and brings it to you to read to him.

Easton is really into making animal sounds. He knows baa (sheep), roar (lion and bear), woof (dog), ooo (monkey), and ssss (snake).


Myk said...

This is awesome! i love little kids on leashes. You should put a video up of Easton talking and singing

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to see you in the blogging world too! I love it! Your little boy is so cute and I think the winnie the pooh harness is great! Thanks for the congrats we are so very excited for the new addition! Hope your doing well. I am excited to read your blog!