Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Top Three Recent Head Trauma Nemeses

Nemesis #1: The Dino Walker. This so called toy is not intended for Easton’s who like to climb in and out of them. The victim’s ankles got tangled up in the seat and while attempting to escape the grasp of this awful monster, too much weight on one side forced the Dino to tip ever so slightly, causing a fall and leaving tears and a nice bump and bruise on the victim's forehead.

Nemesis #2: Daddy-O with the stolen blanket. This favorite blanket is not to be taken away from little Easton’s unless of course severe punishment follows. Stolen favorite blankets are not taken lightly in the Kelsey household. The victim’s blanket was stolen by Daddy-O and used in the form of a pillow and because the victim wanted his precious blanket back, he decided to take harsh measures into his own hands. The victim violently head butted the Daddy-O leaving both the victim and the Daddy-O grabbing their foreheads and whining in pain. To this day no one knows for sure who got the worst of it. Fortunately, the victim did recover the stolen blanket.

Nemesis #3: The Tonka Car. It looks nice and friendly but when left on the kitchen floor, where the victim is unaware of it, it can be deadly. The victim was having a grand old time spinning and dancing in the kitchen when out of no where the mischievous Tonka Car finds its way under the victims foot and down goes the victim smacking the back of his head on the floor. A down pour of tears and blood curdling screams soon followed.

The victim (aka Easton) has recently been hitting his head on everything. I seriously think he is cursed. The stories above are the result of the last three days. So far no bumps and bruises today and hopefully it will stay that way.

Easton is 16 months today!

1 comment:

Aleese and Scott said...

That is too funny I love it. Poor little Easton sounds like he had a rough day! 16 months I can't believe it!