Monday, September 26, 2011


On the 17th we adopted a 9 week old kitten from the animal shelter. We named him Dexter. The kids seem to really like Dexter (Blair loves Dexter) but I can't say Dexter loves them back.

Blair is definitely Elmira from Looney Toons. She never seems to leave the poor kitty alone. Along with not leaving the kitty alone Blair seems to like to play with everything Dexter. She plays in his food by putting it in his water. She plays in his litter box (yes I know it is disgusting). We have a kid gate up but unfortunately she just climbs over it when she wants in his room. The first time she played in the litter box she came upstairs with poop on her hands. The second time she was playing in it like a sandbox. We try telling her that it is disgusting but either she doesn't care or she doesn't understand. I'm basically convinced she doesn't care.

Easton plays better with Dexter but he can be too rough with him. Easton seems to like to play lion with him. He'll get on all fours and roar right in Dexter's face which scares Dexter. Also Easton will chase after Dexter which Dexter isn't a fan of.

Video of the kids playing with Dexter:

Dexter basically has two favorite spots: the computer room which the kids can't get into (that's a no brainier why that would be) and the living room window sill. The kids haven't figured out that hiding spot yet and I'm not about to tell them either.

We got Dexter on a Saturday but then we had to bring him back a couple days later (Tuesday) so he could, as Easton tells everyone, "get fixed so he can't be a daddy cat." The kids were sad that Dexter had to leave but were very excited to pick him up last Friday.

Dexter absolutely hates the vacuum as I found out today. He hisses at it when it turns on and even when I walked past the vacuum with him (it was turned off) he started hissing at it.

Dexter loves the fish tank though. He spends part of his day everyday trying to get those fish.

Video of Dexter in front of the fish tank:

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